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Writer’s Block

There’s nothing worse than finally having time to sit down and write and giant [writer’s] BLOCK falls on your head and wipes out all thoughts in your brain.

I can’t count on two hands the number of times I’ve spent my writing time staring at a blank screen and a keyboard of possibilities and nothing happens. My husband will walk in and ask how I’m doing and I usually give him a big ol’ thumbs up and smile and say “GREAT!” Yet nothing is actually great.

Writer’s block only lasted me the start of book one. Once I got going, the story flew from my mind. Book two is a different story.

It’s frustrating because the story is in my head, I just can’t seem to fill the holes to make it a novel vs. just a story I could tell at a bonfire.

I needed a fix. Lately, I’ve been trying a new trick that seems to be helping. I pick either a part I’m working on or an old part and I simply retype the entire thing. This helps me in two ways.


I catch a ton of mistakes or find a better way to write certain words or sentences. This is awesome because it cuts down my editing time later on and usually lets me improve a lot of my writing.


It gets my brain into the writing zone. Majority of my writer’s block is because I’m not in the zone or don’t know which way to take my writing. But when I rewrite a part, I tend to visualize the scene much better and can start to see what is happening next. Or even catch something that triggers a scene later on!

This isn’t a 100% full-proof hack, but it does do the trick a good amount of the time. Just the other day I went from an hour of writer’s block to figuring out and writing three chapters in my second hour. So I’ll take sometimes working over no times working any day!!

Let me know if this trick helps you!!

Xoxo K.M.B